When it gets tough gotta fight some more

Just know that you are not in this thing alone
There is always a place in me that you can call
When you feel as though we are growing apart
Let's just go back to the beginning.
Just know that you're not in this thing alone
There's always a place in me that you can call
Whenever you feel like we're growing apart
Let's just go back to the start

I won't let you go

Please don't blame me for trying
to fix this one last time
Please don't blame me for trying
to fix this one last time

Just never leave me alone<3

Non ci eravamo visti in due giorni.
Ma oggi siamo finalmente riuniti.

bara för att jag är så tråkig

You opened my eyes, you make me believe 
that there is a chance for a girl like me <3

säg ingenting bara håll mej i handen

när alla andra svek, var det du som stog kvar 
berättade för mig hur värdefull jag var 
du är stjärnan som föll, ifrån himlen ner till jorden 
utan dig vore jag bara en av miljoner... 

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